
Bernard Rivers is a retired economist with dual UK-US nationality. He was born and raised in the UK but has been primarily based in the USA since 1978. He lives with his wife, Karen Rothmyer, in the Catskills, two and a half hours’ drive north of New York City.

During 2013‑2014 he was a visiting fellow at Cambridge University. From 2002 to 2012 he was Executive Director of Aidspan, an international non-governmental organization he founded in New York and later moved to Nairobi, Kenya. Before that, he founded and ran a software company in New York. Before that he was an investigative journalist in the UK.

Here is his resume/CV. He can be reached at Bernard.Rivers@gmail.com.

Here is a 2021 interview with him about his career, together with five of the many articles he wrote between 2005 and 2013 about the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. And here is a Commentary article he wrote in November 2022 on “Who Can Fix Four Fundamental Global Fund Problems?”